Digitalization in the car dealership: How to ensure your success in the digital age

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Digitalization has long since found its way into the car trade and is having a lasting impact on the industry. But where do we currently stand?

The industry is currently at a decisive turning point. The question is no longer whether, but rather how you can take on the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in your dealership in order to remain competitive. 

From using advanced dealership software to designing digital sales strategies, we'll show you how to harness the opportunities of the digital age to increase your efficiency, strengthen customer loyalty and compete successfully in the digital automotive landscape.

Challenges & expectations: New rules of the game in the car trade

In the car dealership digitalization poses a variety of challenges for the entire automotive business ecosystem. It has changed the way customers buy cars and how you as a car dealer need to operate in order to remain competitive. The expectations of a modern car dealership are high:

Seamless customer experience

Customers today expect seamless experiences when buying a car, from first contact to finalizing the purchase. The ability to search for cars online and interact with salespeople has become the norm for many customers. As a dealership, if you are not able to provide this seamless transition between digital and physical channels, you risk losing customers.

Competitive pressure & market transparency

The car market is highly competitive as customers can easily compare prices and offers thanks to online platforms and comparison portals. As a car dealer, you need to be aware that potential customers have access to a wealth of information and are willing to switch if they find better deals. A strong presence in the digital space is therefore a key success factor for staying ahead of the competition.

Personalized service

Customers increasingly value personalized experiences. From tailor-made offers to individualized recommendations - digitalization in the dealership makes it possible to respond to the specific needs of your customers and thus strengthen customer loyalty in the long term.

Benefits for your dealership: using digitalization as an opportunity

There is no doubt that you face complex problems in the automotive trade. But it is precisely in these challenges of dealership digitization that you have the opportunity to rethink your digital strategy and position yourself as a pioneer in the digital era. There are many reasons to promote digitalization in your dealership:

  • More efficient processes: By using digital tools, you can significantly optimize operational processes, such as vehicle management and lead management, and make them more efficient. 
  • Sales opportunities: By integrating online sales platforms or used car portals, you can expand your sales channels and reach potential customers in various online environments.
  • Expanding your customer base: A targeted online presence and digital marketing enable you to address new target groups and expand your customer base.
  • Better data analysis & evaluation: Digitalization in the dealership allows you to better collect, analyse and evaluate data to make informed decisions to optimize your business strategy. 

New requirements: How digitalization succeeds in the car dealership

Many car dealerships have already successfully implemented online strategies to meet their customers digitally. To be successful in this rapidly changing environment, you need to create certain conditions:

Implementing efficient car dealership software

The use of powerful car dealership software such as the AUTOMANAGER is crucial for success in digital automotive retail. This software offers functions for efficient vehicle management, dealership marketing and improved customer communication. 

The AUTOMANAGER also includes a range of innovative apps such as autoscan, which allows you to carry out vehicle valuations in just a few minutes. This also includes the picdesignerwhich allows you to edit car images quickly and easily.

Provide high-quality visual content

High-quality images are the be-all and end-all in the new and used car trade. However, not every car dealership has perhaps yet internalized the fact that the images trigger the decisive impulse to look at a vehicle in the first place. Given the abundance of offers, customers click or swipe away in two to three seconds if they don't like the picture. 

Tools like the picdesigner help you to create attractive sales photos in no time at all, which you can use in a variety of ways for your marketing activities.

Building a strong online presence

As a car dealer, you need to strengthen your presence in the digital space. This starts with the presentation of your vehicles on your own website and on major car portals such as Autoscout or But it also applies to your presence on social media and contact with your fans and followers there. 

With the AUTOMANAGER you can create your website including your own vehicle exchange and digital showroom in just a few minutes - without any IT knowledge. You can also offer your vehicles on over 50 car exchanges with just a few clicks.

This diverse online presence enables you to reach a broad target group, address potential customers and cross-sell - for example, by marketing vehicle accessories in addition to new and used cars.

Improve customer focus & service quality

Digitalization in the dealership offers the opportunity to provide your customers with outstanding service. By using digital communication channels such as the AUTOMANAGER app, you can keep in touch with prospective customers from anywhere and at any time and answer customer queries in real time. 

Fast and transparent communication helps to strengthen customer trust and build long-term customer relationships.

Tips for digitalization in the car trade: 5 steps to success

Implementing dealership digitalization requires a clear strategy and vision for the future. Here are some practical tips on how you can successfully implement digitalization in your dealership:

  1. Invest in the right car dealership software: Choosing the right software solution, such as the AUTOMANAGERis crucial to the success of your digital strategy.
  2. Train your employees: Invest in training to ensure that your team can use the new tools and processes effectively.
  3. Optimize your online presence: Make sure that your online presence is user-friendly and informative. Use the functions of AUTOMANAGER to optimize your online offering.
  4. Use data analysis for optimization: Collect and analyze data, for example with the management dashboard at AUTOMANAGER. These findings enable you to make well-founded decisions about pricing policy and marketing strategies.
  5. Promote customer loyalty: Use digital communication channels to maintain contact with your customers and build long-term relationships. 

Digitalization in the car dealership is not a task for tomorrow - start today!

The role of car dealerships is increasingly shifting towards digital platforms where customers expect a seamless and personalized buying experience. In order to position themselves for the future, it is crucial to take advantage of the opportunities offered by dealership digitalization and to continuously invest in innovative technologies. 

By implementing modern solutions such as the AUTOMANAGER you can increase your efficiency, improve customer loyalty and differentiate yourself in a highly competitive market. 

Contact us today to find out how AUTOMANAGER can make your dealership fit for the digital future.

Any more questions? Would you like more information? We look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to contact us today to discuss your challenges and to learn more about whether Automanager is the right tool for you.
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