Autoscan - The app for vehicle valuations and appraisals with artificial intelligence

Why does the car trade need this app?


Relieve your workshop and reduce process costs by having the vehicle valuations for trade-ins or leasing returns carried out by any employee in the dealership!

We invite you to a LIVE expert talk with the following guests:

  • Torben Ullmann (Founder & CEO pixelconcept)
  • Juan Hahn (Business Development pixelconcept)


  • What is the app for and what are the use cases?
  • How is an appraisal carried out via app?
  • How does artificial intelligence work?
  • What advantages does the app offer compared to conventional methods?

Simply register for this free webinar and learn in a very practical way how you can implement the tips immediately and tomorrow.

Who is this webinar for:

  • Managing Director / Owner
  • Sales management
  • Seller
  • Marketing / Digital Responsible

Date and time

Thursday, 05 August 2021
11:00 am
45 minutes

Cost of attendance

free of charge

Registration required