On Thursday, 17.09.2015, pixelconcept - represented by Alexander Herwig - was able to look into beaming faces at this year's Internet Sales Award. pixelconcept's long-standing customers Porsche Zentrum Bensberg and the Tölke & Fischer Group took third and fifth place at the award ceremony for the best internet activities in the industry.

The team led by Roman Konrads (Managing Director of the Porsche Centre Bensberg) was awarded third place for its active communication with customers and potential customers via the social media portal Facebook. Almost daily, the now more than 11,000 fans are provided with news from the centre. The Bensberg team and vehicles are presented in an authentic manner, invitations are extended to local events and the latest industry news about the Porsche brand is posted. We would like to congratulate them and are delighted to have been involved in this successful project since its inception! The Porsche Center also works with the vehicle management Automanager, has been using the car dealership app for several years and welcomes its customers online on the CI website of pixelconcept.

Here you can find the Porsche Centre on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PorscheZentrumBensberg

The "Töfians" are happy about the 5th place. The car dealership group unites ten brands and twelve locations - especially online, this presented marketing manager Christian Rauen with a major task: on the one hand, the goal of representing all brands and locations and, at the same time, offering fast loading times, a clear and modern design and optimization for mobile devices (responsive design). The Internet Sales Award is a fitting reward for the group's activities. In addition to the new website, Tölke & Fischer is active on two YouTube channels, publishes specially produced explainer peer videos and also relies on social media. We celebrate with the TöFi team and are happy that the pixelconcept car dealership website is allowed to contribute to the success of the group. The locations to market their vehicles also with the Automanager and present themselves on the Tölke & Fischer iPhone, Android and iPad app.

Here you can find the new website of the Tölke & Fischer Group: http://www.toefi.de/


The trade journal "kfz-betrieb" is presenting the Internet Sales Award for professional online business in car dealerships for the twelfth time this year. It is supported by its partners Bank Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (BDK), Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT) and mobile.de.

Sources: car company and Alexander Herwig on site

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