automotive masterclass

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New training concept launched for AUTOMANAGER customers

The AUTOMANAGER is used by more than 2,500 users every day, with new users joining every day. Whether experienced user or newcomer to the system - in future, every user will be able to train the various usage scenarios of AUTOMANAGER independently of time and space.

With the Automotive Masterclass, the training effort for new users and the training of new functions for existing users is massively reduced. In individual video lessons, all aspects of AUTOMANAGER are presented by experienced trainers. The advantage of such an online training is not only the independence. The participants are completely free during the training sessions. Everyone can decide for himself individually whether he wants to see a certain part or a whole lesson again. In this way, every learning speed is taken into account and details can be individually deepened.

The advantage over classical training models is easy to grasp. There is no longer a need for group events where the staff must appear closed. This means that whole departments or larger parts of the workforce are no longer pulled out of the operational process. In addition, direct training costs are saved. New product features can be captured in the same way within a very short time. All participants of the Automotive Masterclass receive a certificate if they successfully complete a course.

All AUTOMANAGER users can register directly for the training program at

Any more questions? Would you like more information? We look forward to hearing from you.

Feel free to contact us today to discuss your challenges and to learn more about whether Automanager is the right tool for you.
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