Five tips for car dealerships to make video chat with customers a success

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Video chats or livestreams in the course of buying a car are practical and trendy. This way, direct contact with the customer is maintained, not only during shutdowns or lockdowns.  

In addition, almost everyone uses applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Apple Facetime on their smartphone. Video chats have long been established on the customer side - now video chat is also conquering car sales.  

The following five tips will help you to make a video chat or livestream successful. 

Tip 1: Data protection compliant work with video chats 

At the latest since the entry into force of the GDPR, customers are reacting more critically and questioning what is happening with their data. The above-mentioned messengers in particular do not adequately meet the requirements of the GDPR in this regard. As convenient as it may seem: As a car dealership, you are treading on thin ice if you rely on these solutions. Make sure you are legally compliant on the road.  

We have chosen high encryption and security for video chat through direct connection between you and the client. 

Tip 2: Video chat preparation is half the battle 

Depending on the sales situation, it makes sense to prepare for the event. If you use the video chat as a livestream to present a vehicle to your customer, it is advisable to take a closer look: 

  • Schedule a video chat in advance so that both the client and you are committed to it. 
  • The car to be presented is clean and dry. 
  • Sunlight is more of an enemy than a friend for videos. Place the illuminated vehicle under a roof or in the showroom (the sun casts shadows, creates reflections and sometimes unattractive light reflexes). 
  • Ensure free access to the vehicle so that you can also walk all around with your camera. 
  • Test in advance whether your wireless or WLAN connection is sufficient to stream smoothly. 

Tip 3: See and be seen 

Two things are crucial to showcase you and your product visually well: Camera and light. Modern smartphones are well suited for demonstrating a car via livestream. With entry-level phones, you should test beforehand whether the camera quality is sufficient. 

In terms of lighting, the most important thing is good illumination (also in the interior) and the avoidance of backlighting. Abrupt scene changes and unsteady camera work cause confusion for the viewer and appear unprofessional. 

Tip 4: The tone makes the music 

As a car salesman, you play a leading role in your "film". Because a car doesn't sell itself. In this respect, as in the "real" sales talk, it depends on your words and their effect. 

But there is more to it than what you say (more on this in point 5). In order for your customer to understand you well, you need good sound, good acoustics. So the how is also crucial. As a good communicator, you should pay attention to how what you say comes across to your counterpart. Instead of using the microphone built into your mobile phone, it is better to use an external device. This will optimise the sound of your recordings. 

Tip 5: Storytelling and relationship in video chat

You cannot or can only partially recognise the reactions of your audience. Therefore, a convincing approach to the presentation of the vehicle is needed on your part. 

On the one hand, ask specific questions and involve the audience. This loosens things up and gives your counterpart the feeling that he or she is being taken seriously.  

In addition, captivate your participants with good stories. For example, tell something about the vehicle and its history, the previous owner, the origin of the model series or what sets the vehicle apart from the competition. Create a smile, a feeling of "this one or no one".  

Find the right moment to highlight the excellent service at your dealership.  

In this way, you give the customer the opportunity to identify with the vehicle and your dealership. He can get to know you better and build a relationship with you. The trust created is the basis for a purchase decision. 

Any more questions? Would you like more information? We look forward to hearing from you.

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