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Vehicle images on your own website: What are the important criteria?

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Digital vehicle presentation plays a decisive role in the hot battle for buyers in the sale of new and used cars. Only with professional vehicle photos and an appealing presentation can the attention of potential buyers be drawn to their own offers. Here you will find tips on all aspects of digital vehicle presentation and thus increase your sales.

Criteria for the photography of vehicles

Even when creating the vehicle photos, there are a number of criteria to be observed in order to be able to use appealing product photos for digital marketing afterwards. Although many smartphones now offer professional camera technology, this is usually not sufficient for sales photos. Instead, it makes sense to take photos with a professional SLR camera and use the full range of functions of the technology. Individually adjustable exposure times, focusing on certain vehicle details, focal length and the format of the photos are decisive for the subsequent image processing and photo quality.

Image editing: the fine-tuning of your product photos

After the creation of the vehicle photos, image processing is another important criterion for digital vehicle presentation. If photos were created in RAW format, they can be post-processed with a much wider colour spectrum. The white balance of the pictures can be useful depending on the background. In addition, image editing makes it possible to correct small errors in the image, retouch the image background and optimise various values. In addition, a section of the image can be defined. It is advisable to follow the rule of the golden section in photography. With our offer, you can use the most important functions of image optimization in simple steps and do not have to laboriously familiarize yourself with a professional image editing program with its numerous functions.

Extensive vehicle presentation on the own website

On the classic sales platforms for vehicles, the number of images is usually limited or subject to an additional charge. Therefore, use the possibilities for full presentation on your own company website. Here you can upload as many photos as you wish and thus also advertise the sales-promoting details of the respective vehicle. Also make sure that the picture language and text match each other to create a coherent overall concept for a quick sale.

Use resolution and file size correctly

In the age of smartphones, tablets and mobile Internet use, not only professional vehicle photos have an impact on the success of digital vehicle presentation. Equally important is the usability of your website. When selecting your product photos, you should therefore take into account the loading time of the photos for users of smartphones and tablets and choose a suitable file format. Nevertheless, the images must have such a high resolution that vehicle details are still clearly visible even when zooming in. If the resolution is too low, the pictures are pixelated and details are not visible. With these tips, you can take the presentation of the vehicles you offer to a new level and thus optimise your sales.

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